The powerful  is based on the world’s strongest compact NMR magnet platform - 2.35T (corresponding to 100 MHz for the proton NMR channel!)

Multi-channel 100 MHz benchtop NMR spectrometer engineered for simple and fast acquisition of high-performance 1D and 2D NMR data. Inquire about nuclei options in addition to standard 1H/13C, 1H/31P, and 1H/19F configurations.

 Unparalleled resolution - improved chemical shift dispersion

 Superior sensitivity - run samples at sub milli-molar concentrations

 Ergonomic display - large, maneuverable, user-friendly external touchscreen computer

 Unmatched stability - e.g., vibrational feet, extra thermal regulation


Product Description

The powerful  is based on the world’s strongest compact NMR magnet platform - 2.35T (corresponding to 100 MHz for the proton NMR channel!)

Multi-channel 100 MHz benchtop NMR spectrometer engineered for simple and fast acquisition of high-performance 1D and 2D NMR data. Inquire about nuclei options in addition to standard 1H/13C, 1H/31P, and 1H/19F configurations.

 Unparalleled resolution - improved chemical shift dispersion

 Superior sensitivity - run samples at sub milli-molar concentrations

 Ergonomic display - large, maneuverable, user-friendly external touchscreen computer

 Unmatched stability - e.g., vibrational feet, extra thermal regulation

Technical specifications

  • Kinetics package capabilities for reaction monitoring

  • Signal suppression

  • Experiment designer to allow you to write your pulse programs

  • Applications Programmatic Interface (API) for developing your own applications: see NMReady-CONNECT

  • Remote control of instrument from computer, smartphone, tablet, etc.

  • Non-deuterium lock options

  • Secure login and user profiles with custom project settings

  • IQ/OQ/PQ Protocols