High-precision, stable measurement is achieved by using a cutting-edge optical design that includes a high-resolution spectrometer, proven vacuum spectrometer, and light receptor condensing system. Phosphorus (P) and sulfur (S) can be accurately analyzed by reducing the effect of spectral interference.
High-precision, stable measurement is achieved by using a cutting-edge optical design that includes a high-resolution spectrometer, proven vacuum spectrometer, and light receptor condensing system. Phosphorus (P) and sulfur (S) can be accurately analyzed by reducing the effect of spectral interference.
A Real-time Energy Monitoring* function monitors the discharge energy consumed. Data precision is improved because bad data caused by damage or pinholes on the sample surface is cancelled out. Power consumption is significantly reduced as well.
*Patent pending
Detailed instrument conditions, such as the degree of vacuum and the status of the excitation unit, are monitored in real time. The software provides total control and management of the instrument with an easy-to-understand interface, including instructions for maintenance procedures.
The optimal discharge conditions can be specified for a wide range of analytical objects.