Biotech AB produly announces the new PEEK Lined Stainless Steel (PLS) Tubing from IDEX Health and Science, for biocompatible UHPLC applications. The tubing combines the strength of industry-standard 316 Stainless Steel with the chemical inertness of PEEK polymer to enable more efficient bio-separations at pressures up to 15,000 psi (1,034 bar).
Biotech AB produly announces the new PEEK Lined Stainless Steel (PLS) Tubing from IDEX Health and Science, for biocompatible UHPLC applications. The tubing combines the strength of industry-standard 316 Stainless Steel with the chemical inertness of PEEK polymer to enable more efficient bio-separations at pressures up to 15,000 psi (1,034 bar).
IDEX Health & Science introduces NEW PEEK-Lined Stainless Steel (PLS) Tubing for biocompatible UHPLC applications. The tubing combines the strength of industry-standard 316 Stainless Steel with the chemical inertness of PEEK polymer to enable more efficient bio-separations at pressures up to 15,000 psi (1,034 bar). Wide Assortment of IDs Available At the heart of PLS Tubing is specially-extruded Upchurch Scientific® PEEK tubing in a wide assortment of inner diameters, ranging from 25 μm ID to 254 μm ID.